A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Paid Member Subscriptions Add-ons / Multiple Subscriptions Per User

Multiple Subscriptions Per User

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Thumbnail

Multiple Subscriptions Per User Add-on lets you set up Multiple Subscription Level Blocks and also will allow members to sign up for more than one subscription plan (one per block).

Install the Multiple Subscriptions Per User Add-on

Multiple Subscriptions Per User is a Pro add-on, available with a Paid Member Subscriptions Pro, or Agency license only.

After purchasing a premium version of Paid Member Subscriptions, the .zip file will be available for download under your account page by clicking the version Download button.

Once downloaded, you can install the premium version as a normal WordPress plugin, by uploading the .zip file in your WordPress Admin Plugins Add New Upload Plugin.

Alternatively, you can install the premium version by extracting the folder found inside the archive and uploading the entire folder via FTP to your /wp-content/plugins folder found inside your WordPress install.

After the installation of the Pro, or Agency version, in order to activate The Multiple Subscriptions Per User Add-on, go to Dashboard → Paid Member Subscriptions → Add-ons → Multiple Subscriptions Per User Add-on and click activate.

Multiple Subscriptions Per User Settings

By default inside Paid Member Subscriptions plugin you can create a Subscription Plan by going to Paid Member Subscriptions Subscription Plans And by clicking on the “Add New” button.

The plan created will be your Parent Subscription Plan and all other plans will be Upgrades or Downgrades of the Parent Plan.

Multiple Subscriptions Level Groups

After you install and activate the Multiple Subscriptions per User add-on you will be able to setup different Subscription Level Groups.

In our case, the Math Course Gold Subscription Plan represents a Level Group and the Physics Course Gold Subscription Plan represents another Level Group.

The Subscription Level Group can contain one Subscription Plan or Multiple Subscription Plans.

Subscribing to Multiple Subscriptions Plans

At Registration, users will be able to select and purchase only 1 Subscription Plan from a specific Subscription Level Group. In our case, the user can purchase a Subscription Plan from the Psychics Group or from the Math group.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Registration Form

The user will be able to view the purchased Subscription Plan, after logging, into his Account.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - User Account

Logged-in users will be able to purchase another Subscription Plan from the other group if they go to the List of Subscription Plans page where you added the [pms-register] shortcode.

In our case, at Registration, we Subscribed to the “Physics Course Gold” Subscription Plan and now we want to purchase the “Math Course Silver” Subscription Plan.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Purchase another Subscription Plan

This is how the Account looks like after the user purchased the “Math Course Silver” Subscription Plan.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - User Account with multiple Subscription Plans

Editing Members as Admin

As Admin if you go to Paid Member Subscriptions  Members you will be able to view and edit your existing members and also you can add new members.

Editing a Subscribed Member

To edit a Member hover the cursor over the user and click on the “Edit Member” link displayed below the username. This will take you to the Edit Member Panel page where you can edit the purchased Subscription Plans and also you can view the payments done by that user.

By clicking on the “Edit” button you can edit the Subscription Plan, the Start Date, Expiration Date, Status (Active, Canceled, Expired, Pending), and also you can delete the Subscription Plan.

Note – If you Remove all the Subscription Plans the user will not be considered a member but he will still be a registered user on your website

Adding a Member as Admin

You can add a Subscription plan to a registered user, that didn’t subscribe yet, by clicking on the “Add new” button. This will take you to the “Add Member Subscription” page where you will be able to select a registered user and add a subscription plan to its account.

The last step is to confirm and make the registered user a member by clicking on the “Add Subscription” button.

Purchasing a Subscription Plan

On our domain we can have 3 types of users:

As a Visitor

Any user can register and subscribe by purchasing a Subscription Plan if they use the Paid Member Subscriptions Registration form.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Registration Form

As a Registered User

Registered users that didn’t purchase a Subscription Plan will be able to subscribe, in order to become a Member, if they login and go to the List of Subscription Plans page where you added the [pms-subscriptions] shortcode.


From the list, they can choose which Subscription Plan they would like to purchase.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Registered User Subscribing

As a Member

Members can subscribe to a new Subscription Plan if they access the List of Subscription Plans page where you added the [pms-subscriptions] shortcode.

Being logged in and on the List of Subscription Plans page they will be able to purchase a new Subscription Plan from a different Subscription Level Group.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Purchase another Subscription Plan

Managing the Subscription Plan

Members can upgrade, cancel, or abandon any Subscription Plan from their account.


Upgrading the Subscription Plan

In order to upgrade the Subscription Plan the user will need to Login Access his Account Click on the “View Details” link displayed next to the Subscription Plan Click on the Upgrade Link.


Canceling the Subscription Plan

In order to cancel the Subscription Plan the user will need to Login -> Access his Account -> Click on the “View Details” link displayed next to the Subscription Plan -> Click on the Cancel Link.

Canceling the Subscription Plan will stop any further payments and the user will still have access to restricted content until the expiration of the Subscription Plan.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Canceling Subscription Plan

Abandoning the Subscription Plan

In order to abandon the Subscription Plan the user will need to Login -> Access his Account -> Click on the “View Details” link displayed next to the Subscription Plan -> Click on the Abandon Link.

Abandoning the Subscription Plan will remove completely the Subscription Plan from the account. The user will not have access to restricted content but he will still be a registered user.

Paid Member Subscriptions Pro - Multiple Subscriptions Per User - Abandoning Subscription Plan

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

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