A Cozmoslabs Product

Fixed Period Membership

The Fixed Period Membership Add-On allows your Subscriptions to end at a specific date, no matter when a client subscribes to them.

Activate the Fixed Period Membership Add-on

Fixed Period Membership is a Basic add-on, available with a Paid Member Subscriptions Basic, Pro, or Agency license only.

After purchasing a premium version of Paid Member Subscriptions, you can check the following guide on how to install Paid Member Subscriptions.

After the installation of the Basic, Pro, or Agency version, in order to activate The Fixed Period Membership Add-on, go to Dashboard → Paid Member Subscriptions → Add-ons → Fixed Period Membership Add-on and click activate.

How to use the add-on

The add-on adds in the subscription plan settings the ‘Fixed Membership’ checkbox that needs to be checked in order to enable Fixed Period Memberships.

Paid Member Subscription Fixed Period Membership Settings

Once the ‘Fixed Membership’ checkbox is checked, the ‘Duration’ field disappears and the following two fields become visible:
– ‘Expiration Date’: the date when the subscription plan will expire for all users, regardless of when they subscribed. It needs to be a date in the future.
– ‘Allow plan to be renewed’: when checked, the ‘Renewal’ options will appear and the possibility for yearly recurring subscriptions can be selected accordingly.

Paid Member Subscription Fixed Period Membership Settings Renewal
Paid Member Subscription Fixed Period Membership Settings Recurring

Front-end forms


With the PMS Register form, users can easily register on your site while purchasing a subscription plan. You can create a PMS Register form using shortcodes, WordPress blocks, Elementor widgets, or Divi Modules.

Here is how a Fixed Period Membership will look like on the register form:

Paid Member Subscription Fixed Period Membership Register Form

My Account

You can create a PMS My Account form using shortcodes, WordPress blocks, Elementor widgets, or Divi Modules.

Paid Member Subscription Fixed Period Membership Register Form


With the PMS Login form, users can effortlessly access your site. You can create a PMS Login form using shortcodes, WordPress blocks, Elementor widgets, or Divi Modules.

Reset Password

With the PMS Reset Password form, users can easily reset their password. You can create a Reset Password form using shortcodes, WordPress blocks, Elementor widgets, or Divi Modules.

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

Get 25% off with the bundle

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