A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Member Management

Member Management


The Members interface allows you to see all of your website members, check the status of their subscriptions, delete them, edit them, or add new members.

The members list can be filtered based on the status of the subscription, subscription plans, payment gateway, start date, and expiration date.

By hovering over the subscription plan name, you can quickly access some more detailed information about the user’s subscription.

Bulk Delete Members

You can delete several Subscriptions using the Delete Subscriptions option from the Bulk Actions dropdown.

Edit Member

Through the Edit Member screen, you can see an overview of that users’ Subscriptions and Payments done since they registered.

The Subscriptions table will show you a list of the subscription plans the current user is subscribed to. You can see the Start Date, Expiration Date, whether it’s a recurring subscription or if the subscription has an active Free Trial.

Using the Edit button from a subscription row opens the Edit Member Subscription page.


Edit Member Subscription

The Edit Member Subscription page lets you edit details about a user’s subscription. You can modify the:

Please note that the Subscription Plan can only be switched with other Plans that are upgrades or downgrades to the current one.

The subscription can also be deleted using the Delete Subscription button.

Subscription Logs

This metabox will give you details about actions that happened to the current subscription. It will show user driven actions like upgrade, cancel, abandon, manual renew but also the actions that the plugin does (automatic renewals) and it will also show changes that the admin does to a subscription.

There’s also the option to add a log manually, this could be a note about the subscription or about a subscription change that was done etc.

Add New Member

The Add New Member page lets you add subscriptions to users from your website who are not yet members. The dropdown at the top will list all users from your website who do not have a subscription.


Bulk Add New Member

To more easily attach subscriptions to users from your website, you can use the Bulk Add New Member interface.

This lets you select a subscription plan alongside non-member users from your website and attach the subscription to their account, making them members.


By default, the page will list only 10 users from your website, but through the Screen Options panel, you can increase this limit so you can easily target a lot of users.

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

Get 25% off with the bundle

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