A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Profile Builder Settings / Admin Email Customizer

Admin Email Customizer

Admin Email Customizer overview

The Admin Email Customizer module allows you to personalize all emails sent by Profile Builder to the website admins.

We do not touch the emails that WordPress sends from the default back-end forms — those will remain the same.

The Admin Email Customizer can be found in Profile Builder ->  Settings -> Email Customizer -> Administrator Emails.

There are multiple types of emails an admin can receive:

Common Settings

The Common settings box allows you to set the From name and reply-to email for all the emails sent to the administrator.

Customize Admin Emails for Default Registration & Registration with Email Confirmation

This is the email sent to the administrator when a new user registers for the site (default registration or by confirming his email address).

You can customize the email Subject and Content by making use of the Available Tags and User Meta (fields).

Customize Admin Emails for Registration with Admin Approval

This email notifies the administrator that he needs to approve the newly registered user, when the Admin Approval features is activated.

The Admin Approval feature is only available in the BASIC or PRO version of Profile Builder.

From the Register with Admin Approval box, you can customize the email Subject and Content by making use of the Available Tags and User Meta (fields).

Using one of the four available tags: {{approve_url}}, {{{approve_link}}}, {{{unapprove_url}}}, {{{unapprove_link}}} you can approve or unapprove users directly from admin email.

Using the approve or unapprove tags

Customize Admin Notification for User Password Reset

This email notifies the administrator that a certain user has requested a password reset.

You can customize the email Subject and Content by making use of the Available Tags and User Meta (fields).

Profile Builder Pro

Create beautiful front-end registration and profile forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in one user management plugin.

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The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

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