A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Import / Export Users

Import / Export Users

Profile Builder has been tested and is fully compatible with two third party plugins that allow you to Import or Export users in WordPress.

Until we finalize developing our built in Import / Export Users Add-on, we’ll be offering support for importing or exporting your users via these tools.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to Import / Export users from/into a .CSV file feel free to use the step by step guide below.

Before Importing or Exporting your Users please do a backup of your database. This will help you restore your database in case something will not work correctly.

Importing Users from a .CSV file

1. Download and install Import users from CSV with meta plugin

Get Import users from CSV with meta

2. Using Profile Builder make sure to create all your desired Extra Fields Types, before you Import, giving them the same meta names as the ones from the .CSV file and also set the Overwrite Existing option to Yes

This way after the Import you will be able to Edit and Manage all the imported Extra Fields Types via Profile Builder.

3. The .CSV file that you want to import needs to have a certain structure, so the import plugin works correctly:

1. The 1st column from your .CSV file needs to be Username and the 2nd one needs to be Email. If the Username and Email columns match existing entries in your database, that user will be updated, else a new user will be created

2. The 3rd column should be Password and if it’s empty, the passwords of the users will not be touched, if you enter a value here, this will be the new users password; if you do not create this column, the users password will be automatically generated by WordPress

3. The next columns should be the meta names that you created in Profile Builder -> Manage Fields for the fields that you want to Import

4. Download a .CSV sample file

4. The Import users from CSV with meta Add-on settings will be located under Tools -> Import users from CSV

Profile Builder - Import users from CSV with meta

Choose if you want to update existing users, the role that new users will receive, if you want to update the role for existing users, your .CSV file, choose what should the plugin do with empty cells and also if you want to send emails, then click Start Importing.

Each row in your .CSV file should represent a user; each column identifies user data or meta data. If a column name matches a field in the user table, data from this column is imported in that field; if not, data is imported in a user meta field with the name of the column.

After importing, you will see the imported custom fields being displayed twice in the Back-end User Profile. You will need to disable the Import plugin for them to only be showed once and correct.

Exporting Users to a .CSV file

1. Download and install the Export User Data plugin

Get Export User Data (Free)

2. Once activated the plugin settings will be located under Dashboard -> Users -> Export User Data

You’ll be able to select which fields you wish to export and set the format.

3. Click Run Export and you’re done. Once you click the button, you’ll be prompted with a .CSV or .xlsx file containing all the user data and metadata selected including Extra Fields Types created and managed with Profile Builder.

Profile Builder Pro

Create beautiful front-end registration and profile forms with custom fields. Setup member directories, custom redirects, cutomize user emails & more using the all in one user management plugin.

Get Profile Builder

The Ultimate Membership Bundle

Combine the power of Profile Builder with Paid Member Subscriptions to set up user registration, memberships, and recurring revenue.

Get 25% off with the bundle

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