A Cozmoslabs Product
Documentation / Form Fields / Default Fields

Default Fields

Both free and premium versions of Profile Builder include the following Default Fields:

  1. Default – Name (Heading)
  2. Default – Username
  3. Default – First Name
  4. Default – Last Name
  5. Default – Nickname
  6. Default – Display name publicly as* 
  7. Default – Contact Info (Heading)
  8. Default – E-mail
  9. Default – Website
  10. Default – About Yourself (Heading)
  11. Default – Biographical Info
  12. Default – Password
  13. Default – Repeat Password

* The field “Display name publicly as” only appears on the Edit Profile page!

These fields are added by default in Manage Fields window.

Backend Default Fields

When adding a new field, you can adjust the editable options of any Default Field.

Here is an example of the Default – First Name.

Add new default field

You can also edit the options of the already added fields, by clicking the corresponding Edit button.


This is how all the Default Fields look like in the front-end.

Default fields frontend

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