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Documentation / Custom Fields Creator / How to / Store each Custom Field in it’s own meta (Unserialized Fields)

Store each Custom Field in it’s own meta (Unserialized Fields)

Note – We’re storing information in Unserialized Fields by default for all new Custom Fields starting with WCK v2.0.0

Enable Unserialized Fields

By default WordPress Creation Kit saves the Custom Fields in a Serialized Array.

To store each Custom Field in it’s own meta entry, you can use the following filter:

apply_filters( 'wck_cfc_unserialize_fields_'.$your_meta_name, false );

You can add it in a plugin or your theme’s functions.php file by using the code below:

add_filter( 'wck_cfc_unserialize_fields_your_meta_name', 'wck_change_unserialize_arg' );
function wck_change_unserialize_arg( $bool ){
return true;

When used like this it enables for that Custom Meta Box the unserialized_fields option. When enabled, besides the Serialized Array that is normally saved, each individual field will be saved in it’s own meta, regardless if it’s a Repeater Custom Meta Box or Single Custom Meta Box.

The meta key will have this form:

$meta_name_arg . '_' . $field_slug .'_'. $n

* Where $n starts at 1 and represents the number of the entry in the Repeater Custom Meta Box. For a Single Custom Meta Box it will be 1.

Unserialized Fields Plugin

You can download and install this plugin to achieve this without writing code.

WCK Unserialized Fields plugin

You’ll get access to a new Meta Box in your Custom Meta Box called “Enable Unserialized Fields”.

If you enabled this feature AFTER adding content in your Custom Post Type and Meta Boxes, please re-save it (Edit -> Save Changes) on EACH individual Meta Box where you have Unserialized Fields enabled.

WordPress Creation Kit - Custom Fields Creator - Unserialized Fields

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