A Cozmoslabs Product


Files Restriction

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: July 16th, 2024

Perfect for content creators, educators and businesses, this add-on ensures your premium documents are accessible only to those who have subscribed and paid for access.

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Files Restriction

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: July 18th, 2024

Protect your sensitive documents with our add-on designed to restrict direct access to your files. Whether you're handling personal or confidential records, our add-on ensures they stay secure and accessible only to authorized users.

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Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: July 17th, 2024

Restrict courses to members and sell paid courses through the LearnDash add-on for Paid Member Subscriptions.

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Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

This add-on allows you to integrate Paid Member Subscriptions with the popular forums plugin, bbPress.
You'll be able to restrict your forums and topics and allow only premium members to have access to them.

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Repeater Fields

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

The Repeater Fields add-on makes it really easy to add repeater front-end fields or groups of fields to your user profile.

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Custom Redirects

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

This add-on provides an easy-to-use interface for keeping your users out of the WordPress dashboard or to redirect them after specific actions.

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User Listing

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

With this add-on you can create Multiple User Listings to display your users in the front-end of your website in any way you desire.

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Multiple Edit Profile Forms

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

This add-on allows you to set up one or more front-end edit profile forms with different fields.

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Multiple Registration Forms

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

This add-on allows you to set up one or more front-end registration forms with different fields for certain user roles.

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Tax & EU VAT

Author: Georgian Cocora
Last Updated: June 25th, 2024

The Tax & EU VAT add-on helps you collect tax or VAT from your users depending on their location, with full control over tax rates and who to charge.

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