Category: plugins

WordPress Creation Kit – a sparkling new custom field, taxonomy and post type creator

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: December 20th, 2023

WordPress Creation Kit consists of three brand new modules that can help you with the tough task of creating and maintaining custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or CPT's. Why another plugin for this? We've actually started working on this more then a year ago, […]

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Profile Builder version 1.1.6 has arrived

Author: Gabriel Barina
Last Updated: September 22nd, 2011

The latest version includes a few small, but important features if you wish to customize the plugin. For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify […]

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WordPress Automatic Updates Based on Folder Name. Is That a Problem?

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: July 13th, 2011

Automatic Updates are great. They are one of the best if not THE best feature WordPress has. I've loved it since it was introduced in 2.7 (2.5 for plugins) and it's something that really makes my life easier. If I'm not mistaken, WordPress automatic updates for themes and plugins are based on the folder name […]

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Profile Builder Pro is WordPress Registration Done Right

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: October 9th, 2023

Let's face it. WordPress default registration process is no good. Hard to customize, hard to integrate it in your theme and not that user friendly. Profile Builder Pro is WordPress Registration Done Right Super easy to customize. Chose from the default styling it comes with or just add css to your theme and you're done. […]

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Profile Builder Beta

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: September 7th, 2022

There's a new version of Profile Builder WordPress plugin. It features the following new features: New interface Create Extra User Fields (like birthdate or education level) Add avatar upload for users and automatic integration with any theme that uses get_avatar() Shortcodes for login, register and edit profile to use in pages and widgets. Select what […]

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Get the latest comments for a custom post type in WordPress

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: May 20th, 2011

Custom post types for Wordpress support comments, however the API doesn't allow for retrieving those comments. So in order to get the latest comments from your custom post type you need to do an sql query that does a LEFT OUTER JOIN between the comments table and the posts table: /* Get recent comments */ […]

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wordpress profile builder

WordPress Profile Builder: a Front-end User Registration, Login and Edit-Profile Plugin

Author: Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: January 22nd, 2024

Easily Login, Register and Edit your Profile Directly from the Front-end Profile Builder lets you add front-end forms that give your users a more flexible way to register, log in, and modify their profile information. If you allow public registration on your site, you don't want to force your users to use the backend WordPress […]

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