Blog / CMS / Members: WordPress Plugin by Justin Tadlock

Members: WordPress Plugin by Justin Tadlock

Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: 08/07/15

Justin Tadlock has done it again. This time he released to the WordPress community a user, role, and content management plugin called Members.

Its purpose is to make WordPress a more powerful CMS by giving you fine-grain control over the users of your site.

So what does this plugin do:

  • Edit Roles: Edit your user roles and their capabilities.
  • New Roles: Create new roles for use on your site.
  • Content Permissions: Adds a meta box on your write post/page editor that allows you to restrict content to specific roles.
  • Widgets: Adds a login form widget and user-listing widget that you can use in any widget area on your site.
  • Shortcodes: Creates shortcodes that you can use to restrict or allow access to certain parts of your posts and pages (or any other shortcode-capable area).
  • Template Tags: New functions for use within your WordPress theme for various things.
  • Private Blog: Allows you to create a private blog that can only be accessed by users that are logged in (redirects them to the login page).

I personally can’t wait for future developments of this plugin. It takes WordPress one step closer to full user management without having to code it yourself 🙂

From the blog

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15 thoughts on “Members: WordPress Plugin by Justin Tadlock

    This plugin does exactly what I need it to do. Thank you!


    That sounds like it would be a good plug-in to have, especially because I have a multi-author site and another site I am thinking of making a special “members only” section… 🙂 Thanks for the heads up!


    I would love to have this plug-in on my WordPress blog. The Private Blog feature sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing this with your readers!


    Thanks for developing this plugin. It is really a boon for me . Keep it up.


    Awesome plugin. But only one bug. It restricts access only to registered users. non registered users cannot view the page unless they register. how can i change this?


    Awesome Awesome Awesome .. i got it! I had to uncheck Private Blog member component 🙂


    There is good support by Tadlock, you have pay for it: 25$/year.
    Altough it looks like there is only support about the ‘themes’ en not concerning the ‘plugins’.

    Hopefully in the near future..?



    When you are interested using the members plugin by Justin Tadlock for a CMS, and want to know more about the possibilities with pages: I made myself a paying exclusive member (25$) from Justin Tadlocks support:

    ‘How can you restrict by role, which pages a user can post to?
    I’m creating a site where there will be 4 users, each will have a specific page to edit, and each can only see their specific pages in the backend.

    ANSWER you get as paying member from Tadlock:

    > You can’t do that with the Members plugin.


    This has never been one of the features promised by the plugin. Everything that’s possible with the plugin is mentioned up front and well documented.


    Actually, in looking over the plugin it’s not at all clear it can’t allow a single user to edit/view a single page:

    Content Permissions: Adds a meta box on your write post/page editor that allows you to restrict content to specific roles.the ‘content box’ on each post/page.

    Seems you might be able to assign a user a single role (even maybe to Luigi as seen in the screenshots).


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    Auto Articles Poster which come with 3 Pack Of Plugins to help automate your wordpress blogging process by autopost article to your site effortless. whether you are adding larges amounts Of Plr article, Unique Articles, or even RSS Feeds to your blog ….


    Exactly what I’ve been looking for, I’m going to test it and I’ll let you know.


    I hoped this article is very helpful for everybody.However, I want to add something, and recently I just released the membership plugin in the wordpress repository who is called “rs-members”. Before developing I just studied existence all membership wordpress plugin.I got many problems from the those.As a result; I just tried to include many useful features.Without programming skill any guys can easily maintain this plugin. I hoped this plugin will be helpful fill up your all demand. Guys you can visit my “rs-members” from wordpress repository.
    Thank you gentleman for patiently reading.


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