Blog / General / Profile Builder version 1.1.21: fully customizable userlisting!

Profile Builder version 1.1.21: fully customizable userlisting!

Gabriel Barina
Last Updated: 29/09/22

It’s been quite a while since we released a new version, but this is due to the complexity of the new feature this version of Profile Builder comes with: a fully customizable userlisting.

For those who just met up with WordPress, Profile Builder is WordPress registration done right; it lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user-information or to register new users.

Besides the new features and functionalities I will describe later on, we also added some minor bugfixes, and improved the query times a lot!

So what is userlisting, and what can it do?

Listing registered users to your blog/site has never been easier: to create a page containing a userlisting, insert the following shortcode in a (blank) page: [wppb-list-users].

For instance, to create a userlisting shortcode listing only the editors and authors, visible to only the users currently logged in, you would use:
[wppb-list-users visibility=”restricted” roles=”editor,author”].

The back-end has two textareas which lets you write your own html code for the front-end userlisting design: one for the “all-userlisting”, and one for the “single-userlisting”. Using the added, built-in extra functions, you can create a personalized userlisting easily.
Don’t have any ideas or coding knowledge? No problem! – we added html codes for a default userlisting for just such cases.

For more info regarding this, please visit the description page of this feature.

All in all we hope you take benefit of this cool new feature, and as always, if you have any ideas on improving this feature (or any other part of the plugin), or just want to report a bug, either ask about in the forum section, or write an email to

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7 thoughts on “Profile Builder version 1.1.21: fully customizable userlisting!

    Where do we download the newest version? Is it upgraded automatically from the wp dashboard?


    How can we implement taxonomies with user profiles? Say we have over 500 users listed, how can we filter them by category?



    at the moment there is no way of doing this without altering the plugin’s core files, which we don’t recommend.

    Thank you for your understanding!



    The ability to assign categories or taxonomies to users is a key feature, otherwise displaying a long list of hundreds or even thousands of user listings is pointless.

    It would be like having a blog with hundreds of posts, all of them uncategorized. Adding the ability to assign custom taxonomies should be fairly straight-forward.


    We will take this into consideration, along with the rest of the suggestions our users have given to us, and we will implement this according to the priority we set for each one of them. Thank you in advance!

    I have some issues with my Profile Builder, when a user try to register it says “Sorry! Users already exists.”, but two emails are sent out to say their username/password. When I click forgot password two emails are sent, with the recovery thing. How can I get rid of this? Thanks,


    Please make sure you update to the latest stable version, v.1.1.40…if problem persists, send me an email to gabriel@cozmoslabs with your previous message, and we will see it through.



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