Blog / General / No CAPTCHA ReCAPTCHA Field for Profile Builder

No CAPTCHA ReCAPTCHA Field for Profile Builder

Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: 09/02/15

Profile Builder’s reCAPTCHA field has been updated to the new and improved Google’s No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA.

To simplify the reCAPTCHA experience the new field will simply ask users who want to register for your website whether or not they are robots.

Using the new reCAPTCHA API, a significant number of users will be able to securely register through the front-end forms created with Profile Builder and easily verify they are humans without actually having to solve a CATCHA.

With just a click, they can confirm they are not a robot.


However, CAPTCHAs aren’t going away. When the risk analysis engine can’t confidently predict whether a user is a human or an abusive agent, it will prompt a CAPTCHA to increase the number of security checkpoints for confirming the user is valid.


Besides the reCAPTCHA field, Profile Builder offers other features to help you fight user registration spam.

Note: The new No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA will replace the old version, starting with Profile Builder Hobbyist or Pro v.2.1.0.
For a smooth transition, the reCAPTCHA field settings will remain exactly the same as in previous versions.

From the blog

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5 thoughts on “No CAPTCHA ReCAPTCHA Field for Profile Builder

    I think I like the integrated captcha. But why then do I have to solve a regular captcha on your comment form here?

    Warmest regards,

    Ron Smith, MD


    Hi Ron,

    The NoCaptcha is integrated in Profile Builder and does not apply to comment forms 🙂

    So we’re using a different captcha here as opposed to what Profile Builder is using.



    Is there any possibility to implement the plug-in Math Captcha to the Profile Builder? I have a problem with reCaptcha the registration form, the bots will pass the CAPTCHA and registration form registers SPAM accounts.



    I can not find the addons to enable the reCAPTCHA!
    In the form, the message but no verification form!

    I see him through the fields, I insert the key and the public key site but … nothing !!


    I’d like to use another captcha: Contact Form 7 Image Captcha Pro
    Is this possible?


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