Blog / plugins / New improvements in WCK 2.0.5 and Profile Builder 1.3.23

New improvements in WCK 2.0.5 and Profile Builder 1.3.23

Adrian Spiac
Last Updated: 06/12/22

We’ve just released an update for both WordPress Creation Kit and Profile Builder plugins. This update adds a couple of improvements and bug fixes listed below.

WCK 2.0.5


Upload Field now uses the Media Manager added in WP 3.5

WCK 2.0.5 release was focused on improving the upload field as well as fixing the bugs reported by our users.

Now uploading media files via the Upload Field from the back-end or front-end (using WCK Front End Posting) of your WordPress sites will be really straight forward.


  • Upload Field now uses the media manager added in WP 3.5
  • Added progress icon on forms in WCK Front End Posting
  • Now we prevent “Meta Field” and “Field Title” to be named “content” or “action” in Custom Fields Creator to prevent conflicts with existing WordPress Fields


  • Fixed bug in Front End Posting where a filter for posts_where wasn’t removed correctly
  • Fixed bug in Custom Fields Creator that didn’t display “0” values
  • Fixed bug in Front End Posting that didn’t display the right values if the Taxonomy had the label “Categories” (regardless of it’s slug). Now it won’t list the default Categories in WP.

Profile Builder 1.3.23


Profile Builder 1.3.23 is a minor update focused on improving the Admin Approval performance when dealing with large number of users.

We also fixed existing bugs related to the hidden input field and “Remember me” checkbox that wasn’t displaying correctly on the Login page.


  • Improved Admin Approval performance for large number of users
  • Fixed hidden input field on front-end
  • Fixed “Remember me” checkbox on the Login page

*The latest versions of WCK and PB will be available via automatic updates or you can download them from your account page.

If you’re new to Profile Builder or WordPress Creation Kit, there is a fully functional FREE version you can play with to get a feel of how they can help with your next WordPress project.

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2 thoughts on “New improvements in WCK 2.0.5 and Profile Builder 1.3.23


    Dont know where to post this but the new update is excellent and client likes it.
    The only thing is that the media manager doesn’t support filtering like the default wordpress media manager does. I have used the media category plugin however once I want to upload an image using WCK the categories are not listed. Is there any quick fix?



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