Blog / Theme Design / Future Child Themes for Thematic in the works

Future Child Themes for Thematic in the works

Cristian Antohe
Last Updated: 07/12/21

Spring is at it’s end and makes room for a promising Summer. Finishing the new design was a fulfilling moment for me. When you put so much effort into something, your personal expectations are always high. Building something for myself and things are prone to be problematic. In the initial stages nothing really feels right and nothing is good enough.

But now that the new design is live I’m happy I’ve changed it and with it behind me I can start focusing on other projects.

For the near future I want to release two new child themes for Thematic, one of which might even be released as a stand alone theme also, for inclusion into the WordPress Theme Repository.

The first theme to be released will be my design for Cozmoslabs. I still have to clear it up since it’s full of hacks.

The second theme is an artsy-grunge kind of theme. The design is almost done so I only have to implement it as a child theme. Here are some screen shots.
Feedback is always welcomed.


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7 thoughts on “Future Child Themes for Thematic in the works

    I think I just found the perfect theme for my new blog. Thanks Cristi!


    I plan to read the related post above. I just installed your ‘BYTY’ child theme. Looking at the files I still do not understand a couple of things. Is there any chance you may consider posting building a child theme from start to finish?


    Thanks for all the info. I will check it out. I have done some deep studying already and then when I installed Byty, which I love. I could not find the sidebar functions for all that show up in the admin-widgets. I looked in your files and thematic’s. That got my interest. what registers all those sidebars.

    Thanks again



    I am searching for a child theme for Thematic so I can start a blog for my writing. Please let me know when you are finished with this. I really like it. Thanks. 🙂


    Unfortunately I didn’t even started implementing it yet.

    I’m hoping to start work on it some time next week.


    Cristi, the future one on the left is really geared for writing. Looks really great.



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