Frontend Posting

WCK Frontend Posting gives you the possibility to create pages, posts and custom post types from the front end, and also edit them.

You can create a custom form for every post type by selecting from the most common post elements (Post Title, Post Content, Excerpt, Featured Image), the registered taxonomies for that post type and also any Meta Box created with WCK Custom Fields Creator (repeater or single).

WCK Frontend Posting Features:


A Frontend Posting form can have the following elements:

The form creation process should go like this:

  1. Create a custom post type or choose one that already exists ( post, page ). If you want a new one you can use WCK’s Custom Post Type Creator for this.
  2. Create and attach to the post any custom taxonomies you want for the post type. You can use WCK’s Custom Taxonomy Creator for this.
  3. Create Metaboxes with custom fields for that post type using Custom Fields Creator. You can watch a tutorial on how to create metaboxes here: The metaboxes can have any custom form field, from text inputs to upload fields and wysiwyg editors. They are made to hold any custom data you want attached to that post.
  4. Create a frontend form with Front End Posting for that post type. In the backend in the Form Fields section you will see that the Filed Type drop-down now also contains the Custom Taxonomies and the Custom Fields ( metaboxes created with Custom fields Creator ) for that post type.


Add New Front End Posting

For adding a new Front End Posting you must enter a title, complete the Form Setup and the Form Fields.

Form Setup

Here you must choose:

Each setting can be edited or deleted.

Form Fields

After the setup, in the right side you will see a metabox, “Form Shortcode”. Copy and paste the shortcode in the desired page.

The shortcode looks like this: [fep form_name=”frontendName”].

The Dashboard

For a quick view of the dashboard, copy the following shortcode into a desired page: [fep-dashboard].

The quick-dashboard allows:

The Widget

Frontend Posting feature allows to create a login/logout/register login with the simple usage of a shortcode.
Just add [fep-lilo] on a page and you will see the FEP Login/Logout Widget in Appearance->Widgets.

After the widget is created, the page can be deleted without affecting the Widget.

Find out more about WCK – Frontend Posting.